Age calculator for everyone
Calculating your chronological age is probably pretty a first-rate challenge in case you intend to do it with the aid of using yourself - subtracting years and months is the smooth part. Then, you want to reflect on consideration on the weeks and days.
Remember that special months have a special wide variety of days! February is the trickiest month in terms of calculations. Every 4 years, it takes a price of 29 as opposed to 28 days. Every 12 months that may be divided with the aid of using 4 without a reminder (for example, 2020 /4 = 505), offers us exactly one greater day (besides for years that divide flawlessly with the aid of using 100, however now no longer the ones which can be additionally flawlessly divisible with the aid of using 400...).
The simplest manner to calculate it slow spent on Earth in days:
time = (years * 365) + (months * 31) + days
How antique are you?
Months - How m

any complete months have handed in view that your remaining birthday?
Days - How many days have already handed withinside the modern month?
If you need to get the precise wide variety of hours, mins or 2nd you have been alive, you want to multiply the wide variety of days you have calculated with the aid of using the subsequent numbers:
To get no. of hours: Number of days * 24
To get no. of mins: Number of days * 1440
To get no. of seconds: Number of days * 86 400
Why do not you test how lengthy you need to wait till your subsequent birthday?